Important Dates (Eastern Standard Time, EST)

  Camera-Ready Submission 9/10/2021
  Registration Deadline 9/20/2021
  On-site Registration Conference Dates

Important Reminder

  • At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the "Author" rates, even if the author is a student. A registration of "Non-Author" category is not valid for covering the accepted paper.
  • One Author-rate registration covers only one accepted paper.
  • If the paper exceeds 5 pages, each extra page should be paid at NTD 4200 (/page). The maximum number of pages for each paper is 6.
Please note that at least one of the authors of accepted papers is required to register and present the paper at the conference (remotely or physically), otherwise the paper will have to be removed from the digital library after the conference!

How to Registration

                  (Click here to register)

In order to register for the conference and have your paper included in the proceeding successfully, please finish the following steps:

  1. Revise your paper according to the Review Comments carefully.
  2. Complete the submission of the camera-ready version of the accepted paper by Sep 10, 2021. Please refer to paper submission for the details.
  3. Go to the Registration page to register:
    1. If you do not have registered (an account), please sign up; otherwise, login with your account (email address) and password.
    2. Fill in the information for registration and save. Please provide IEEE member ID if you use “IEEE member” rate for registration. If you would like to register with “Student” rate, please provide your student ID number. Note that the registration of “Student” rate is not valid for covering the accepted paper.
    3. If you just attend the conference without presentation, please make “Non-Author” payment directly. Otherwise, fill the information of the accepted paper(s) for registration and then make the payment.
    4. Acknowledgement will be sent to you via e-mail after the completion of the payment.
  4. The confirmation of registration will be sent via e-mail upon the clearance of payment.


Official receipt shall be provided during and after the WOCC 2021 Conference. Please provide the title of the receipt, if any, when filling the information for registration.

Registration Fee

Category Regular On-Site
23:59 (EST)
Sep 20, 2021 Oct 7-8, 2021
Author  Non-IEEE Memer  NTD 8,500
NTD 9,500
IEEE Members NTD 7,500
NTD 8,500
 Non-Author  Non-Student NTD 3,000
NTD 4,000
Student NTD 1,500
NTD 2,000

(1 USD = 28 NTD approximately)

Please contact WOCC 2021 Registration Secretariat,, if you have any question about the registration.