

The 34th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC2025)

May 20 - May 22, 2025

Macau, China

Important Dates

Important Reminder

At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the "Regular" or "IEEE Members" rates, even if the author is a student.

One "Regular" or "IEEE Members" registration can cover at most 2 accepted paper.

Please note that at least one of the authors of accepted papers is required to register and present the paper at the conference in-person, otherwise the paper will have to be removed from the digital library after the conference!

Registration Steps

Registration Fee

Registration Types Early-Bird Standard
Author IEEE Member
Author Non-Member
Non-Author IEEE Member
Non-Author Non-Member
Invited Author

Registration Confirmation & Receipt

Registration will be accepted ONLY upon the successful reception of corresponding payment. The confirmation of registration will be sent via email upon clearance of payment.

Please make sure your email server won’t filter out our notification emails as spams!